The Dalles United Church of Christ Congregational

We are people of God, centered in Christ and guided by the Holy Spirit, who gather together to worship God and celebrate the wonders of life in Christ; who honor our church's history and traditions while meeting the challenges of today's world; and who live our faith by giving freely of our diverse gifts to each other and our community.
We offer our welcome and fellowship in Christ's name.
We follow as best we are able the great commandments to love God with our whole being and to love our neighbors as ourselves.
We have been an Open & Affirming congregation since 2003 that respects the dignity and worth of all people as children of God, regardless of the many boxes society sorts us into.
In 2007 we became a Just Peace church, rooted in the vision of shalom. We support participation in ministries of advocacy, compassion, friendship, reconciliation, and common security from violence.
Our church building houses AA meetings, a preschool, Habitat for Humanity offices, Sea Scouts, and various community nonprofits as needed who seek a welcoming space. Our members are encouraged and supported to serve our community with their time, talents, and resources.
Our congregation was first gathered in covenant in 1859 as First Congregational Church, originally meeting in the original Wasco County Courthouse. Our second pastor, Rev. Thomas Condon, who was known for his geologic discoveries, led the building of the first church in 1862, which was destroyed by fire in 1888. A church built the following year was also destroyed in a fire that consumed much of downtown in 1891. A third church stood from 1892 to 1935, when fire struck once again. Our current stone building, in the English Gothic style, was built in 1935. A wing housing the office and classrooms was added in 1955. We still use a pulpit from the 1800s made by pioneer church member S.L. Brooks that was repeatedly rescued from the fires.
In 1957 the United Church of Christ was created by joining together the Congregational Christian Churches and the Evangelical and Reformed Church. Our congregation ratified the constitution of the UCC in 1961, and our name was later changed to United Church of Christ, Congregational of The Dalles, Oregon.
Our continued involvement in the UCC allows us means for witnessing to and serving beyond our community.
111 East 5th Street, The Dalles, Oregon 97058
We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of every month. All who are open to the nurturing presence of God are welcome to participate.
Copyright © 2024 The Dalles UCC Congregational - All Rights Reserved.